Sunday, December 19, 2010

Hey, I'm Still Alive!

Yes, I have not blogged in hm...4 months? Oops! Life sort of got in the way of things like reading/writing and other non-pressing tasks!

The good news is that I survived the 2010 school year. Scrap that! I survived the 2010 year, period! I cried, I felt despair and I struggled. In spite of this, I took risks, I stepped outside my comfort zone, I went on dates, I achieved fantastic results in the classroom, I did things for ME, I made plans for the future. Not only did I survive this year, I flourished! And I'm very very happy (wow, I never thought I'd ever say those words again).

2010 was a year of huge challenges and some challenges are still occurring; others are yet to come. But I know that I have the strength and determination and the support that I can get through anything.

So now I find myself at the one time of year that I always adore - Christmas! This year I have to really focus not to focus on the negative aspects of the festive season that overshadowed last year. I have no doubt that there will be moments when I will cry and question the events of 2009. In saying this though, there have been so many positives in 2010 that I have to focus on the positives: what I have achieved ON MY OWN, the promise of what lies ahead in 2011 and just having one hell of a great time with the love of my life: my gorgeous son. I am in a much better place this Christmas break than I was last year, so I plan to have lots of fun and cherish this last year of my pre-schooler before he turns into a school boy!

As for the year ahead, I have several goals:

* To continue to focus on my personal health - both mental, physical and emotional. To build on the weight loss of this year, to gain strength and support from family and friends around me, to discuss my experience with others in the hope it may help them.

* To step things up professionally, something that I had planned on but that my supervisor and principal have also mentioned. To take on a more prominent role in the school - to spotlight my talents, to groom me up for bigger things. This year it wasn't possible as I had too many things going on. Now, I'm ready to rise to the challenge. People will be watching so I can't rest on my laurels anymore!

* To ensure that the safety and well-being of my son comes first. To ensure that no matter what happens, that he comes out the other side a happy, well-adjusted child.

*To keep pushing myself socially. I am shy but I've come a long way this year in this regard. I've re-connected with old friends, made some new ones & learnt how to ask for help and tell them when I need help- something that I've never found easy!

5 days til the Man in Red arrives. Merry Xmas, everyone!


  1. What a wonderful post from a wonderful, strong woman!
    I was just thinking about you this afternoon and realized it has been a year since your world was turned upside down.
    Yay you!!!! xxx

  2. Thanks Thea. Yep, a year on Sunday (not that I am going to want to think about it on Sunday).

    I hope that we can meet someday, I think that we understand each other quite well :)

    - Belinda

  3. Amazing woman! 2011 is so going to rock for you! :) ....... Caroline xox
