Friday, July 16, 2010

Hello Bloggerverse!

It's been sometime since I last blogged and there are very few things that remain the same since that post. My marital status, my job status & practically every aspect of my day to day life has changed!

It was probably best I didn't blog for the first half of this year. It would not have been a very enjoyable read, although it would have been therapeutic for me, I'm sure! forward 6 mths, I'm ready to start putting down my thoughts on anything and everything again :) No doubt a lot of what I will write will reflect the life that I lead now - that of a busy, tired, frazzled professional trying to run a household and be there with as much quality time as I can for my gorgeous nearly-4 year old son, who is the shining light in my life.
I do look forward to writing about all sorts of other topics as they crop up too though.

This is my life - this is the diary of a busy teacher and solo super-Mum! Enjoy the read :)

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