Friday, July 16, 2010

August 21...

That's the date that's been set for the Australian Federal election. I'm a nerd with quite the interest in politics, so I'm quite excited that the countdown is on. I'll be in my element reading news sites, the ALP site and political blogs, tweets and websites in the lead-up to the event.

It will be interesting watching this campaign unfold. Already the polls and statistics give Labor a 10% lead. I cannot wait to see what happens in the next 5 weeks! As a tried and true Labor girl, I hope that Julia Gillard does get to move into The Lodge, and hope that if she does, she feels she has been put there fair and square, by the Australian people.


Hello Bloggerverse!

It's been sometime since I last blogged and there are very few things that remain the same since that post. My marital status, my job status & practically every aspect of my day to day life has changed!

It was probably best I didn't blog for the first half of this year. It would not have been a very enjoyable read, although it would have been therapeutic for me, I'm sure! forward 6 mths, I'm ready to start putting down my thoughts on anything and everything again :) No doubt a lot of what I will write will reflect the life that I lead now - that of a busy, tired, frazzled professional trying to run a household and be there with as much quality time as I can for my gorgeous nearly-4 year old son, who is the shining light in my life.
I do look forward to writing about all sorts of other topics as they crop up too though.

This is my life - this is the diary of a busy teacher and solo super-Mum! Enjoy the read :)